
Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you find something here that you can relate to.  My name is Kimberly.  Like all of you, I have a history behind me that has shaped the person I am today.  Forty eight years of history to be exact.  As for my spiritual beliefs, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I consider myself to be that of the reformed faith, meaning I believe the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, sufficient in all matters of faith and practice. I believe God is sovereign, and rules with absolute control. I believe that God, in His grace and mercy, has chosen to redeem a people to Himself, delivering them from sin and death.

I am married to a wonderful man who enriches my world in a thousand different ways.  I am a mother to four beautiful humans and mother in law to an amazing young man.  They are my greatest teachers.  Child #1 is a 23 year old boy, child #2 is a 20 year old girl (and her husband), child #3 is a 14 year old girl and child #4 is a 12 year old girl.  Life can get a little chaotic around our house, but more than any chaos, it is full of love, instruction, good food, and inspiration.

I was a Hoosier, born and raised in Indiana.  However, Idaho was introduced to me at the age of 18 and it infiltrated my being and became a part of me.  So Idaho is home.  I’m a “crunchy mom” type, so Idaho is a good place for my family.  Our last two babies were born at home under the care of skilled midwives, and we did stuff like use cloth diapers and really crazy stuff like homeschooling.  You’ll learn more about our crazy ways as you follow along.  Our lifestyle isn’t for everyone, but it works for us.

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